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Welcome to Carrant Brook's

Eco Committee

This year we have been working on some really exciting projects that have demonstrated our commitment to becoming and sustaining Carrant Brook School as an eco friendly environment. 

So far this year we have...made bird feeders for the wildlife area and conducted a pond audit, taken part in the Great Litter Pick 2024, collected and submitted data for the RSPB Bird Watch 2024, made recycling posters for all class bins in school, taken part in WWF online quizzes to learn more about the world we live in from an ecological perspective and held a non-uniform day for JUST ONE TREE DAY charity to support the planting of new trees around the world. 

During the Summer Term we have been having fun and engaging in some more super eco friendly activities. 

As a committee we held a whole school assembly to outline what we were hoping to achieve and explain how everyone at Carrant Brook could get involved! 

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Checkout these websites for places you can visit to become an eco warrior like us! 

Activity Ideas 

 Create your own nature reserve - Science.pdfDownload
 Deforestation - Maths.pdfDownload
 Four seasons - Science.pdfDownload
 Label parts of a tree - Science.pdfDownload
 Make a bird feeder - DT.pdfDownload
 Making leaf animals - Art.pdfDownload
 Write a story - Animal Treehouse.pdfDownload
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