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Year 6 - Birch and Sycamore

We are glad that SATs are over, but we will miss the fun we had during our special breakfast time!

Crime Through Time

During the Summer terms, our overarching historical theme is Crime Through Time. We will be exploring different types of crime, how they were prevented and punished in a variety of time periods from the Romans to modern day crime and prevention. We will be drawing upon historical skills learnt in previous years. We will also be preparing the children for a positive and smooth transition into secondary school education. 

Rockin’ All Over The World

During spring term, we will learn what is meant by a biome, a vegetation belt and climate, identify how animals and plants are adapted to suit their environment in different ways and that adaptation may lead to evolution. We will research and study the life of David Attenborough and write biographies about him. Later, we will be writing discussion texts and creating our own world poems.


  Tomb Raiders   

In autumn term, we will be learning about the Ancient Egyptians.

We will learn how important the river Nile was and how it provided the Ancient Egyptians with everything they needed for daily life, we will recognise some key cities and monuments of Ancient Egypt, explore the importance of Ancient Egyptian gods and explore the wonders of the Egyptian pyramids. We will learn that when they died, pharaohs and important, wealthy people in Ancient Egypt were mummified and we will learn about the significance of the discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb.

Homework Gallery:

Summer Term Homework

 BIRCH Summer Term Curriculum Overview.pdfDownload
Showing 1-1 of 1
 Spring Term Curriculum Overview.pdfDownload
 Spring Term Homework Tasks.pdfDownload
 My Writing in Year 6.pdfDownload
 Grammar Glossary Year 6.pdfDownload
 Wacky Ways to practise your spelling.pdfDownload
Showing 1-6 of 6

Weekly Homework Requirements

Reading - All pupils at our school are required to complete 4 reads per week at home with an adult. You can help by asking your child about what they are reading. Reading record must be signed by an adult after each read. We check the records every Friday ready for celebration assembly.  Let's get 100% reads every week!  Spelling - New list of spellings, which must be practised at home, is sent home every week. We will test these spellings through a spelling dictation on a Friday. Spelling records will need to be in school on a Friday to be checked and new spellings to be put in. 

Times tables - In Year 6, you need to know all times tables and related division facts up to 12 x12. We advise practising them regularly to increase your speed and fluency.